Georgia’s chain gang system operated for almost 100 years and in certain instances concealed ghastly conditions that eventually earned it an infamous reputation for hotspots of dark brutality Inmates who broke their own legs to protest the work conditions at Buford Prison rock quarry, 1956 Georgia “work camp” prisons Wilfpi In Leg-Breaking Prison Episode 7v REipsyiLLE, Ga. . .WI-'A';i«g»s-latiyeinyesitigahng; committee! today begany :intervie\vihg. 417 icanVicti who broke or damaged their legs with . sledge hammersin protests^ againstX ^^ working, conditions and alleged brutality at .Georgia's Rbcik Quarry Prison for7mcorrigibles. 7 The. injured were brought, toy the state's Central Prison here for treatment. Seveii 7 suffered deep g...