
Showing posts from September, 2024

Kirill: Russian culture and the salvation of the world - ZENIT - English

Kirill: Russian culture and the salvation of the world - ZENIT - English : Trying not to limit himself to the usual statements of state propaganda amid the universal conflict between Russia and the West, the Patriarch of Moscow spoke a few days ago in St Petersburg using philosophical and literary arguments to further explain the reasons why Russia today feels called to spread the “great values” that universal society has seemingly abandoned.

We must convert our jailers, Children's Story: Paul and Silas and the Philippian jailer h

  We must convert our jailers, #prison , #children #prisoners #jailers #jail #warders #politics #convicts #felons Children's Story: Paul and Silas and the Philippian jailer via @YouTube  

Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy against Islam in Pakistan - ZENIT - English

  Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy against Islam in Pakistan - ZENIT - English

Let us remember who was the first canonized saint in the Church: the Good Thief.

  Let us remember who was the first canonized saint in the Church: the Good Thief. He “stole” Paradise at the last minute of his life: this is Grace. This is what God is like, even with us. Instead, those who seek thinking of their own merits fail; those who humbly entrust themselves to the Father’s mercy, rather than being last — like the Good Thief — find themselves first. (Angelus, 20 September 2020) Pope Francis

Is Denmark is a prison a metaphor?

Is Denmark is a prison a metaphor? When Hamlet says that Denmark is a prison, he tells us metaphorically how he experiences his country; he sees her as a prison, which means that he feels imprisoned, limited, and restrained in front of everything the environment destroys and expects from him. “Denmark's a prison” is a line from Hamlet by William Shakespeare, spoken in Act 2, Scene 2, line 245. Hamlet uses this line to imply that his home is like a prison because he is unable to escape his situation

Confronting the Facts Speaking About Federal Prison


Portia Louder Formerly Incarcerated-Writer-Speaker-Photographer- Advocate. Talks about prison compassion recovery Living Louder: A Compassionate Journey Through Federal Prison  Paperback – October 13, 2021